iPhone offers fantastic features to its users, and it is known that iOS is a little more user-friendly than Android. Those people who start using the iPhone would find it challenging to shift to an Android phone as they get used to using the iPhone and all the benefits it has to offer.
There must be many secret hacks and tricks which you are still unaware of. We know you have been using your device for a long time, but we are sure some of the features are still unknown to you.
So, we’ve put all the secret tips and tricks right here for you.
Let’s dive into it!
Secret Tips and Tricks of iPhone
- Battery charging is faster in Airplane mode: You are getting late for the office, and you wish that your iPhone charges quickly. Guess what? You can use Airplane mode on your iPhone. Airplane mode turns off many features which take a lot of power like WIFI and cellular network. In this way, the load on the battery is less; as a result, your phone charges fast.
- Use Light blink as a notification: If you don’t want to listen to the notification sound repeatedly whenever the notifications come, there is a solution. You can turn on the Blink light feature as your notification, and your mobile phone’s flashlight would blink whenever you get a notification.
- Adding captions to the photos and videos: Since the latest update of the iPhone, you can now add captions to your photos and videos. The benefit of this feature is that it will help you remember when you took the picture, and second, you can find any of your old pictures by just typing the keyword of the caption.
- Widgets: You can add widgets on your home screen. If you want to set the reminder of your meeting or look at the weather, then you can do that. It will also make your home screen look incredible.
- Search the web without safari: Now, you can just swipe left on your iPhone, the search window will show up, and then you can type your query on it and finally, open the results directly from the page.
- Hide your private photos: Whenever we are outside with friends and having fun with them, we take many pictures. Then, we look at each other’s phones to see the results. This might mean handing over your iPhone to someone else. But, what if your iPhone has some images you don’t want to show to them? You can always hide your personal images. You’ll still find them easily in your Albums’ Hidden area.
iPhone already has many pros and some cons as well. However, there are a few tricks that people are unaware of, so we have tried to compile the best 6 of those tricks above.
From charging your mobile phone fast to adding a caption to your photos, these are the tricks that you’d wish you knew sooner.